package Renderer; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.IntBuffer; import; import LDraw.Support.GLMatrixMath; import LDraw.Support.LDrawGlobalFlag; import LDraw.Support.MatrixMath; import com.jogamp.common.nio.Buffers; public class LDrawDLSession { public static final int INST_RING_BUFFER_COUNT = 4; // Number of VBOs to // rotate for hw // instancing - doesn't // actually help, it // turns out. /** * name="dl_head" * @uml.associationEnd */ LDrawDL dl_head; // Linked list of all DLs that will be instance-drawn, with // count. /** * name="dl_count" */ int dl_count; /** * name="sorted_head" * @uml.associationEnd */ LDrawDLSortedInstanceLink sorted_head; // Linked list + count for DLs being // drawn later to Z sort. /** * name="sort_count" */ int sort_count; /** * name="model_view" */ float model_view[]; // Model-view matrix, used to Z sort translucent // objects. /** * name="inst_ring" */ int inst_ring; // If using more than one instancing buffer, this tells which // one we use. // ========== LDrawDLSessionCreate // ================================================ // // Purpose: Create a new drawing Drawing sessions sit entirely in a // BDP // for speed - most of our linked lists are just null. // // ================================================================================ public static IntBuffer inst_vbo_ring[] = new IntBuffer[INST_RING_BUFFER_COUNT]; public static int inst_ring_last = 0; public LDrawDLSession(float model_view[]){ dl_head = null; dl_count = 0; sorted_head = null; sort_count = 0; this.model_view = new float[16]; System.arraycopy(model_view, 0, this.model_view, 0, model_view.length); inst_ring = inst_ring_last; // each session picks up a new buffer in the ring of instance buffers. inst_ring_last = (inst_ring_last + 1) % INST_RING_BUFFER_COUNT; } /** * @return * name="dl_head" */ public LDrawDL getDl_head() { return dl_head; } /** * @param dl_head * name="dl_head" */ public void setDl_head(LDrawDL dl_head) { this.dl_head = dl_head; } /** * @return * name="dl_count" */ public int getDl_count() { return dl_count; } /** * @param dl_count * name="dl_count" */ public void setDl_count(int dl_count) { this.dl_count = dl_count; } /** * @return * name="sorted_head" */ public LDrawDLSortedInstanceLink getSorted_head() { return sorted_head; } /** * @param sorted_head * name="sorted_head" */ public void setSorted_head(LDrawDLSortedInstanceLink sorted_head) { this.sorted_head = sorted_head; } /** * @return * name="sort_count" */ public int getSort_count() { return sort_count; } /** * @param sort_count * name="sort_count" */ public void setSort_count(int sort_count) { this.sort_count = sort_count; } /** * @return * name="model_view" */ public float[] getModel_view() { return model_view; } /** * @param model_view * name="model_view" */ public void setModel_view(float[] model_view) { this.model_view = model_view; } /** * @return * name="inst_ring" */ public int getInst_ring() { return inst_ring; } /** * @param inst_ring * name="inst_ring" */ public void setInst_ring(int inst_ring) { this.inst_ring = inst_ring; } // ========== LDrawDLSessionDrawAndDestroy // ======================================== // // Purpose: Draw any DLs that were deferred during drawing, then nuke the // session object. // // ================================================================================ public void drawAndDestroy(GL2 gl2) { LDrawDLInstance inst; LDrawDL dl; // INSTANCED DRAWING CASE if (dl_head != null) { // Build a var-sized array of segments to record our instances for // hardware instancing. We may not need it for every DL but that's // okay. LDrawDLSegment[] segments = new LDrawDLSegment[dl_count]; for (LDrawDLSegment segment : segments) segment = new LDrawDLSegment(); int segmentIndex = 0; LDrawDLSegment cur_segment = segments[segmentIndex]; // If we do not yet have a VBO for instancing, build one now. if (inst_vbo_ring[inst_ring].get(0) == 0) gl2.glGenBuffers(1, inst_vbo_ring[inst_ring]); // Map our instance buffer so we can write instancing data. gl2.glBindBuffer(GL2.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, inst_vbo_ring[inst_ring].get(0)); gl2.glBufferData(GL2.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, LDrawDisplayList.INST_MAX_COUNT * Float.SIZE / 8 * 24, null, GL2.GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW); ByteBuffer inst_base = gl2.glMapBuffer(GL2.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, GL2.GL_WRITE_ONLY); float[] inst_data = inst_base.asFloatBuffer().array(); int inst_remain = LDrawDisplayList.INST_MAX_COUNT; // Main loop 1: we will walk every instanced DL and either // accumulate its instances (for hardware instancing) or just draw // now // (For attribute instancing). while (dl_head != null) { dl = dl_head; if (dl.instance_count >= LDrawDisplayList.get_instance_cutoff(gl2) && inst_remain >= dl.instance_count) { // If we have capacity for hw instancing and this DL is used // enough, create a segment record and fill it out. cur_segment.geo_vbo = dl.geo_vbo; if (LDrawGlobalFlag.WANT_SMOOTH != false) { cur_segment.idx_vbo = dl.idx_vbo; } cur_segment.dl = dl.texes[0]; // todo // cur_segment.inst_base = null; // cur_segment.inst_base += (inst_data - inst_base); cur_segment.inst_count = dl.instance_count; // Now walk the instance list, copying the instances into // the instance VBO one by one. int inst_data_offset = 0; for (inst = dl.instance_head; inst != null; inst = { MatrixMath.copy_vec4(inst_data, inst_data_offset, inst.color, 0); MatrixMath.copy_vec4(inst_data, inst_data_offset + 4, inst.comp, 0); inst_data[inst_data_offset + 8] = inst.transform[0]; // Note: // copy // on // transpose // to // get // matrix // into // right // form! inst_data[inst_data_offset + 9] = inst.transform[4]; inst_data[inst_data_offset + 10] = inst.transform[8]; inst_data[inst_data_offset + 11] = inst.transform[12]; inst_data[inst_data_offset + 12] = inst.transform[1]; inst_data[inst_data_offset + 13] = inst.transform[5]; inst_data[inst_data_offset + 14] = inst.transform[9]; inst_data[inst_data_offset + 15] = inst.transform[13]; inst_data[inst_data_offset + 16] = inst.transform[2]; inst_data[inst_data_offset + 17] = inst.transform[6]; inst_data[inst_data_offset + 18] = inst.transform[10]; inst_data[inst_data_offset + 19] = inst.transform[14]; inst_data[inst_data_offset + 20] = inst.transform[3]; inst_data[inst_data_offset + 21] = inst.transform[7]; inst_data[inst_data_offset + 22] = inst.transform[11]; inst_data[inst_data_offset + 23] = inst.transform[15]; inst_data_offset += 24; --inst_remain; } cur_segment = segments[++segmentIndex]; } else { // Immediate mode instancing - we draw now! So bind up the // mesh of this DL. gl2.glBindBuffer(GL2.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, dl.geo_vbo.get(0)); if (LDrawGlobalFlag.WANT_SMOOTH != false) { gl2.glBindBuffer(GL2.GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, dl.idx_vbo.get(0)); } // float * p = null; ByteBuffer p = Buffers .newDirectByteBuffer(10 * Float.SIZE / 8); gl2.glVertexAttribPointer( AttributeT.attr_position.getValue(), 3, GL2.GL_FLOAT, false, LDrawDisplayList.VERT_STRIDE * Float.SIZE / 8, p); gl2.glVertexAttribPointer( AttributeT.attr_normal.getValue(), 3, GL2.GL_FLOAT, false, LDrawDisplayList.VERT_STRIDE * Float.SIZE / 8, p); gl2.glVertexAttribPointer(AttributeT.attr_color.getValue(), 4, GL2.GL_FLOAT, false, LDrawDisplayList.VERT_STRIDE * Float.SIZE / 8, p); // Now walk the instance list...push instance data into // attributes in immediate mode and draw. for (inst = dl.instance_head; inst != null; inst = { int i; for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) gl2.glVertexAttrib4f( AttributeT.attr_transform_x.getValue() + i, inst.transform[i], inst.transform[4 + i], inst.transform[8 + i], inst.transform[12 + i]); gl2.glVertexAttrib4fv( AttributeT.attr_color_current.getValue(), inst.color, 0); gl2.glVertexAttrib4fv( AttributeT.attr_color_compliment.getValue(), inst.comp, 0); LDrawDLPerTex tptr = dl.texes[0]; if (LDrawGlobalFlag.WANT_SMOOTH != false) { if (tptr.line_count != 0) gl2.glDrawElements(GL2.GL_LINES, tptr.line_count, GL2.GL_UNSIGNED_INT, tptr.line_off); if (tptr.tri_count != 0) gl2.glDrawElements(GL2.GL_TRIANGLES, tptr.tri_count, GL2.GL_UNSIGNED_INT, tptr.tri_off); if (tptr.quad_count != 0) gl2.glDrawElements(GL2.GL_QUADS, tptr.quad_count, GL2.GL_UNSIGNED_INT, tptr.quad_off); } } } dl.instance_head = dl.instance_tail = null; dl.instance_count = 0; if (dl.flags.get(LDrawDLT.dl_needs_destroy)) { dl.destroy(gl2); } dl_head = dl.next_dl; dl.next_dl = null; } // Hardware instancing: unmap our hardware instance buffer and if we // got data, // set up the GPU for hardware instancing. gl2.glBindBuffer(GL2.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, inst_vbo_ring[inst_ring].get(0)); gl2.glUnmapBuffer(GL2.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER); if (segments[segmentIndex] != cur_segment) { gl2.glEnableVertexAttribArray(AttributeT.attr_transform_x .getValue()); gl2.glEnableVertexAttribArray(AttributeT.attr_transform_y .getValue()); gl2.glEnableVertexAttribArray(AttributeT.attr_transform_z .getValue()); gl2.glEnableVertexAttribArray(AttributeT.attr_transform_w .getValue()); gl2.glEnableVertexAttribArray(AttributeT.attr_color_current .getValue()); gl2.glEnableVertexAttribArray(AttributeT.attr_color_compliment .getValue()); // todo // gl2.glVertexAttribDivisorARB(AttributeT.attr_transform_x.getValue(),1); // gl2.glVertexAttribDivisorARB(AttributeT.attr_transform_y.getValue(),1); // gl2.glVertexAttribDivisorARB(AttributeT.attr_transform_z.getValue(),1); // gl2.glVertexAttribDivisorARB(AttributeT.attr_transform_w.getValue(),1); // gl2.glVertexAttribDivisorARB(AttributeT.attr_color_current.getValue(),1); // gl2.glVertexAttribDivisorARB(AttributeT.attr_color_compliment.getValue(),1); // Main loop 2 over DLs - for each DL that had hw-instances we // built a segment // in our array. Bind the DL itself, as well as the instance // pointers, and do an instanced-draw. LDrawDLSegment s; segmentIndex = 0; for (s = segments[0]; s != cur_segment; s = segments[++segmentIndex]) { gl2.glBindBuffer(GL2.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, s.geo_vbo.get(0)); if (LDrawGlobalFlag.WANT_SMOOTH != false) gl2.glBindBuffer(GL2.GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, s.idx_vbo.get(0)); // float [] p = null; ByteBuffer p = Buffers .newDirectByteBuffer(10 * Float.SIZE / 8); gl2.glVertexAttribPointer( AttributeT.attr_position.getValue(), 3, GL2.GL_FLOAT, false, LDrawDisplayList.VERT_STRIDE * Float.SIZE / 8, p); gl2.glVertexAttribPointer( AttributeT.attr_normal.getValue(), 3, GL2.GL_FLOAT, false, LDrawDisplayList.VERT_STRIDE * Float.SIZE / 8, p); gl2.glVertexAttribPointer(AttributeT.attr_color.getValue(), 4, GL2.GL_FLOAT, false, LDrawDisplayList.VERT_STRIDE * Float.SIZE / 8, p); gl2.glBindBuffer(GL2.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, inst_vbo_ring[inst_ring].get()); p = ByteBuffer.allocate(4 * Float.SIZE / 8); gl2.glVertexAttribPointer( AttributeT.attr_color_current.getValue(), 4, GL2.GL_FLOAT, false, 24 * Float.SIZE / 8, p); for (int i = 0; i < 4 * Float.SIZE / 8; i++) s.inst_base.put(0 + i, p.get(i)); p.clear(); gl2.glVertexAttribPointer( AttributeT.attr_color_compliment.getValue(), 4, GL2.GL_FLOAT, false, 24 * Float.SIZE / 8, p); gl2.glVertexAttribPointer( AttributeT.attr_color_current.getValue(), 4, GL2.GL_FLOAT, false, 24 * Float.SIZE / 8, p); for (int i = 0; i < 4 * Float.SIZE / 8; i++) s.inst_base.put(4 + i, p.get(i)); p.clear(); gl2.glVertexAttribPointer( AttributeT.attr_transform_x.getValue(), 4, GL2.GL_FLOAT, false, 24 * Float.SIZE / 8, p); gl2.glVertexAttribPointer( AttributeT.attr_color_current.getValue(), 4, GL2.GL_FLOAT, false, 24 * Float.SIZE / 8, p); for (int i = 0; i < 4 * Float.SIZE / 8; i++) s.inst_base.put(8 + i, p.get(i)); p.clear(); gl2.glVertexAttribPointer( AttributeT.attr_transform_y.getValue(), 4, GL2.GL_FLOAT, false, 24 * Float.SIZE / 8, p); gl2.glVertexAttribPointer( AttributeT.attr_color_current.getValue(), 4, GL2.GL_FLOAT, false, 24 * Float.SIZE / 8, p); for (int i = 0; i < 4 * Float.SIZE / 8; i++) s.inst_base.put(12 + i, p.get(i)); p.clear(); gl2.glVertexAttribPointer( AttributeT.attr_transform_z.getValue(), 4, GL2.GL_FLOAT, false, 24 * Float.SIZE / 8, p); gl2.glVertexAttribPointer( AttributeT.attr_color_current.getValue(), 4, GL2.GL_FLOAT, false, 24 * Float.SIZE / 8, p); for (int i = 0; i < 4 * Float.SIZE / 8; i++) s.inst_base.put(16 + i, p.get(i)); p.clear(); gl2.glVertexAttribPointer( AttributeT.attr_transform_w.getValue(), 4, GL2.GL_FLOAT, false, 24 * Float.SIZE / 8, p); gl2.glVertexAttribPointer( AttributeT.attr_color_current.getValue(), 4, GL2.GL_FLOAT, false, 24 * Float.SIZE / 8, p); for (int i = 0; i < 4 * Float.SIZE / 8; i++) s.inst_base.put(20 + i, p.get(i)); p.clear(); if (LDrawGlobalFlag.WANT_SMOOTH != false) { if (s.dl.line_count != 0) gl2.glDrawElementsInstanced(GL2.GL_LINES, s.dl.line_count, GL2.GL_UNSIGNED_INT, s.dl.line_off, s.inst_count); if (s.dl.tri_count != 0) gl2.glDrawElementsInstanced(GL2.GL_TRIANGLES, s.dl.tri_count, GL2.GL_UNSIGNED_INT, s.dl.tri_off, s.inst_count); if (s.dl.quad_count != 0) gl2.glDrawElementsInstanced(GL2.GL_QUADS, s.dl.quad_count, GL2.GL_UNSIGNED_INT, s.dl.quad_off, s.inst_count); } else { if (s.dl.line_count != 0) gl2.glDrawArraysInstanced(GL2.GL_LINES, s.dl.line_off, s.dl.line_count, s.inst_count); if (s.dl.tri_count != 0) gl2.glDrawArraysInstanced(GL2.GL_TRIANGLES, s.dl.tri_off, s.dl.tri_count, s.inst_count); if (s.dl.quad_count != 0) gl2.glDrawArraysInstanced(GL2.GL_QUADS, s.dl.quad_off, s.dl.quad_count, s.inst_count); } } gl2.glDisableVertexAttribArray(AttributeT.attr_transform_x .getValue()); gl2.glDisableVertexAttribArray(AttributeT.attr_transform_y .getValue()); gl2.glDisableVertexAttribArray(AttributeT.attr_transform_z .getValue()); gl2.glDisableVertexAttribArray(AttributeT.attr_transform_w .getValue()); gl2.glDisableVertexAttribArray(AttributeT.attr_color_current .getValue()); gl2.glDisableVertexAttribArray(AttributeT.attr_color_compliment .getValue()); // todo // gl2.glVertexAttribDivisorARB(attr_transform_x,0); // gl2.glVertexAttribDivisorARB(attr_transform_y,0); // gl2.glVertexAttribDivisorARB(attr_transform_z,0); // gl2.glVertexAttribDivisorARB(attr_transform_w,0); // gl2.glVertexAttribDivisorARB(attr_color_current,0); // gl2.glVertexAttribDivisorARB(attr_color_compliment,0); } } // MAIN LOOP 3: sorted deferred drawing (!) LDrawDLSortedInstanceLink l; if (sorted_head != null) { // If we have any sorting to do, allocate an array of the size of // all sorted geometry for sorting purposes. LDrawDLSortedInstanceLink arr[] = new LDrawDLSortedInstanceLink[sort_count]; for (int i = 0; i < sort_count; i++) arr[i] = new LDrawDLSortedInstanceLink(); LDrawDLSortedInstanceLink p = arr[0]; int index_arr = 0; // Copy each sorted instance into our array. "Eval" is the // measurement of distance - calculate eye-space Z and use that. for (l = sorted_head; l != null; l = { float v[] = { l.transform[12], l.transform[13], l.transform[14], 1.0f }; try { arr[index_arr] = (LDrawDLSortedInstanceLink) l.clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } p = arr[index_arr]; // memcpy(p,l,sizeof(LDrawDLSortedInstanceLink)); float v_eye[] = new float[4]; GLMatrixMath.applyMatrix(v_eye, model_view, v); p.eval = v_eye[2]; p = arr[++index_arr]; } // Now: sort our array ascending to get far to near in eye space. // todo // qsort(arr,sort_count,sizeof(LDrawDLSortedInstanceLink),compare_sorted_link); // NOW we can walk our sorted array and draw each brick, 1x1. This // code is a rehash of the "draw now" // code in LDrawDLDraw and could be factored. index_arr = 0; l = arr[index_arr]; int lc; for (lc = 0; lc < sort_count; ++lc) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) gl2.glVertexAttrib4f(AttributeT.attr_transform_x.getValue() + i, l.transform[i], l.transform[4 + i], l.transform[8 + i], l.transform[12 + i]); gl2.glVertexAttrib4fv(AttributeT.attr_color_current.getValue(), l.color, 0); gl2.glVertexAttrib4fv( AttributeT.attr_color_compliment.getValue(), l.comp, 0); dl = l.dl; gl2.glBindBuffer(GL2.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, dl.geo_vbo.get(0)); if (LDrawGlobalFlag.WANT_SMOOTH != false) gl2.glBindBuffer(GL2.GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, dl.idx_vbo.get(0)); ByteBuffer p2 = ByteBuffer.allocate(LDrawDisplayList.VERT_STRIDE * Float.SIZE / 8); gl2.glVertexAttribPointer(AttributeT.attr_position.getValue(), 3, GL2.GL_FLOAT, false, LDrawDisplayList.VERT_STRIDE * Float.SIZE / 8, p2); gl2.glVertexAttribPointer(AttributeT.attr_normal.getValue(), 3, GL2.GL_FLOAT, false, LDrawDisplayList.VERT_STRIDE * Float.SIZE / 8, p2); gl2.glVertexAttribPointer(AttributeT.attr_color.getValue(), 4, GL2.GL_FLOAT, false, LDrawDisplayList.VERT_STRIDE * Float.SIZE / 8, p2); LDrawDLPerTex tptr = dl.texes[0]; int tptrIndex = 0; int t; for (t = 0; t < dl.tex_count; ++t, tptr = dl.texes[++tptrIndex]) { if (tptr.spec.tex_obj != 0) { LDrawDisplayList.setup_tex_spec(gl2, tptr.spec); } else LDrawDisplayList.setup_tex_spec(gl2, l.spec); if (LDrawGlobalFlag.WANT_SMOOTH != false) { if (tptr.line_count != 0) gl2.glDrawElements(GL2.GL_LINES, tptr.line_count, GL2.GL_UNSIGNED_INT, tptr.line_off); if (tptr.tri_count != 0) gl2.glDrawElements(GL2.GL_TRIANGLES, tptr.tri_count, GL2.GL_UNSIGNED_INT, tptr.tri_off); if (tptr.quad_count != 0) gl2.glDrawElements(GL2.GL_QUADS, tptr.quad_count, GL2.GL_UNSIGNED_INT, tptr.quad_off); } else { if (tptr.line_count != 0) gl2.glDrawArrays(GL2.GL_LINES, tptr.line_off, tptr.line_count); if (tptr.tri_count != 0) gl2.glDrawArrays(GL2.GL_TRIANGLES, tptr.tri_off, tptr.tri_count); if (tptr.quad_count != 0) gl2.glDrawArrays(GL2.GL_QUADS, tptr.quad_off, tptr.quad_count); } } l =; } } gl2.glBindBuffer(GL2.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); if (LDrawGlobalFlag.WANT_SMOOTH != false) { gl2.glBindBuffer(GL2.GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); } // Finally done - all allocations for session (including our own obj) // come from a BDP, so cleanup is quick. // Instance VBO remains to be reused. // DLs themselves live on beyond // LDrawBDPDestroy(alloc); }// end LDrawDLSessionDrawAndDestroy }